19 February 2009

The Hyper-Dimensional Election of Barack Obama and 2012

Is this a potential paradigm shift in progress?

Is Obama "the trigger mechanism" for a new reality... a new frontier of hope?

*The following QUOTE is from: http://www.youtube.com/user/NewLemurian

*Based on Hyperdimensional Physics, Hoagland successfully predicted the historic results of this election almost two years ago! In this production, based on further application of this HD Model, Hoagland now presents never-before-seen clues to what America and the world may expect from this incoming, unique "Hyperdimensional Obama Administration" including, what Barack Obama may finally do with NASA's decades of classified data on intelligent artifacts discovered on the Moon and Mars, as well as what could be in store for all of us at the end of Obama's first term in 2012.

Image courtessy of Alex Grey at the CHAPEL OF SACRED MIRRORS, NY http://www.alexgrey.com/obama.html

I invite everyone to take the time and view the following:


I am positive that you will be completely intrigued by what Mr. Richard Hoagland presents as evidence to the above mentioned changes...

BUT if he is correct, The FUTURE is going to be an very interesting place to be...

अपने दिमाग को खोल दें!


  1. You might want to view this quick video in addition to the above...

    The President Who Told The TRUTH

  2. I watched Hoagland's talk about this. The NASA stuff is interesting.
    My problem with the whole Obama thing is this.
    Obama did not get where he is by not playing ball. If Obama is the great saviour he's made out to be then that implies that the bunch of fucks who've been running our world for so long, who made Obama's presidency possible, would be responsible for the "great change of conscience". Personaly I don't like the sound of that one bit. Feels like we're being lead by the nose again.
    Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis and around we go for another walz.

    But I may or may not have mentined that I'm a cynical bastard though.
